Ground Control

There are two forms of Ground Control at SHFC.

  1. 1. All teams will be responsible for ground control of their own games. This encompasses supervision of their game (and the minutes between games before and after) as well as the venue on which your game is played.
  2. Teams will also be allocated setup and packaway responsibility. To ensure a fair spread, SHFC will allocate teams to this duty at the commencement of the week ahead so all teams know when they are expected to help.

Ground Control duties include the set up and pack away of playing fields and the supervision of games. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following;
· The wearing of official Ground Control vests by Ground Controllers, at all times whilst performing Ground Control duty

  • Ensuring games start on time
  • Ensuring match sheets and referees are available for all games
  • Ensuring there are no hazards on or near the playing field (including stray dogs!)
  • Ensuring that spectators do not encroach on playing fields
  • Taking note of injuries (reported and observed) and other incidents
  • Exercising reasonable control over team’s players and supporters to prevent abusive, aggressive or other unacceptable behaviour towards referees, players and spectators

Ground Control duties:

  1. Set Up (fields, nets and goals)
  2. Pack Away (fields, nets and goals)

Please note that Ground Control includes both – Venue Supervision (The person that stays in the vicinity of the Ground Control Area, ie where the match sheets are located) and Supervision of Playing Fields- (ie supervision of each playing field, during home games).

Team managers will be responsible for allocating the Ground Control Duties to members or parents of their teams on a rotational basis. Ground Control greatly assists in the efficient operation of SHFC. It also allows our children, friends and families to play their football in a secure, safe and enjoyable environment! Without Ground Control, there would be no games played at Box Rd!

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