Wet Weather
Wet weather occasionally forces training and games to be cancelled.
Once we know that Council have closed the grounds, the Club Secretary will fire out an email to all team coaches and managers and update the website.
Wet weather news will be posted to TeamApp and Facebook and will display CLOSED for training and games.
In the event of wet weather, here is what to do:
During the week, Sutherland Shire Council determines if fields are playable. If the grounds are closed, under NO circumstances is training to go ahead, as Council can impose fines against the Club. In the event of wet weather:
- Check the website for updates.
- Check with your team manager and/or coach.
You can call the Sutherland Shire Council Wet Weather Line 9710 0105 to find out if fields are open/closed. NOTE: Council may leave grounds open, but we may close our grounds due to the state of our field. If a member of Team App you will receive a notification or check Facebook for the status of the ground
Game days:
The SSFA and the Clubs determine if games are played. The Council Wet Weather Line doesn’t apply on the weekends. In the event of wet weather:
- Check the website for updates.
- Check with your team manager and/or coach.
For early games, the decision may not come before you need to leave for the game. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable, due to the grounds not being inspected by the individual Clubs between 6.30 am and 7.00am.
Also note that just because some games are called off, others may go ahead. Eg. morning games could be off, while afternoon games are on.